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Love, Life and Dark Energy - FRINGE 2019

50 mins

Performance Time: 8:00pm

Concessions: Available for students and seniors with valid ID. 

Wheelchair Access:To book a seat that is accessible for wheelchairs, please call our Box Office on 09 8450295.

Love Life and Dark Energy TAPAC

We dance step by step and play note by note into the mysterious places of energy expansion and creation.  Four Flamenco artists invite you to a creative and intimate exploration of traditional forms, from a spectrum of emotional states....

From gaiety to sorrow, grief to courage, joy to outright cheekiness. The dancers traverse their familiar realm, peeling back layers and building tension. Remaining present with the audience as they prepare for the next dance, the next test of  strength, the next opportunity to create and succumb to invisible, powerful energy.

Be ready for driving rhythms, lyrical sculptural shapes, breath-taking athleticism and authoritative musicality from the dancers.

Enhanced and supported by the essential contribution from the guitarists with their knowledge, skill and important ability to accompany a dancer, something which is gained and developed over a lifetime.

By the end of the show the Love from the title is palpable onstage, connecting all four flamencos as they throw everything they have into the Dark Energy pot.

Ana Lloris Otero, from Spain, is the lead dancer. Among her maestros are Carmen La Talegona, La Truco, María Juncal, Inmaculada Ortega, Domingo Ortega, La Lupi, Concha Jareño, Alfonso Losa and Marco Flores, and more. She has performed in numerous works in Spain and abroad, both as a bailaora in tablaos such as El Corral de la Pacheca, Cardamom, Sala Clamores, El Barco, Café del Duende, La Bulería, Radio City, La Clacla, etc. and dance companies (Ballet Flamenco de Madrid, Prodigio BAF Flamenco, Cía. Tito Losada ...). She has performed in many countries including Japan, Morocco, Algeria, Greece, China, Turkey, France, Russia, the Czech Republic and New Zealand.

Ana is joined by Auckland performers: Amira Brock (dancer), Sandy Schock and Richard Aylett (guitarists), who have pursued Flamenco for decades with dedicated study and regular performances.


Fringe TAPAC