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The Nutcracker

90 minutes

This show is performed in Russian.

Performance Dates/Times:

14 December - 7.00 pm

15 December - 11.00 am

Ticket Prices:

Adults $20

Children $30 (includes a book)

Seniors and students with valid ID $20 concession 

Wheelchair Access:To book a seat that is accessible for wheelchairs, please call our Box Office on 09 8450295.

The Nutcracker TAPAC

Presented by Nash Dom (Our Home) the Russian Edu-Cultural Centre-school, this enthralling production, performed in Russian, captures the magic of Christmas and will delight audiences young and old.

The enchanting music written by famous composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is an important part of Russian classical music heritage and this wholesome production is a lovely way to introduce children to classical music and dance, away from the distractions of computers, tablets and phones.

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