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Tom's Vision

60 minutes

Meet and Mingle - 5:30-6:30pm

 Performance - 6:30-7:30pm

To make an additional donation to City Vision when booking your ticket on a desktop computer (click on the Donate button to the right) or donate here If you are buying your tickets on a mobile and wish to donate to City Vision please donate first here  and then select 'book more tickets'. 

Tom's Vision TAPAC

Political satirist and mimic of some household names, Simon, Paula. Tom Sainsbury will share with you Tom's Vision for Auckland. Let's hear it for Tom! Tom will turn his lens on to local characters and life as an inner city Auckland resident. 

This show is a Fun(d) Raiser for City Vision - an Auckland centre-left local body political group who are working together to give ordinary people and communities a voice in the October Local Elections. 

Political satirist and mimic of all things Kiwi, Tom Sainsbury is a nominee for this years’ Billy T Award. So surely that’s some sort of seal of approval... shrugs smugly